Мп3 плеер с блютузом купить в эльдорадо. MP3-плееры c Bluetooth

MP3 плееры со встроенным Bluetooth-модулем крайне востребованы среди современных покупателей за счет своей универсальности и простоты использования. «Фанатов» техники подобного сегмента не смущает даже высокая стоимость «любимых» проигрывателей. Сегодня мы разберемся, какой передовой мп3 аудиоплеер с Bluetooth лучше брать грамотному покупателю, а также выясним, какими техническими характеристиками должно обладать качественное устройство, исходя из приведенного обзора топовых портативных гаджетов для воспроизведения аудио с блютузом, входящих в рейтинг лучших плееров 2019 года.

Учитывая высокую стоимость абсолютного большинства плееров с дополнительными опциями, в частности Bluetooth, покупателю целесообразно тщательно изучить представленный ниже список базовых характеристик, заслуживающих отдельного внимания в выборе качественного устройства для прослушивания музыки. К таковым, как правило, относят:

  1. Время автономной работы. Чем большее количество времени гаджет работает «без подзарядки», тем более комфортно пользователю и «полезнее» для аккумулятора. Оптимальным для плеера рассматриваемого сегмента считается показатель в 10 – 12 часов активного использования.
  2. Совместимые форматы. Чем шире спектр поддерживаемых устройством расширений, тем выше будет его стоимость. Потенциальному пользователю достаточно убедиться в наличии возможности воспроизведения базовых форматов, таких как MP3, AAC, AAC (DRM), Apple Lossless, WAV, AVI, MPEG-4, H.264, MP4.
  3. Объём встроенной памяти. Оптимальным показателем, достаточным для хранения большого количества треков в «хранилище» устройства, считается 32 Гб. При необходимости использования дополнительной «виртуальной» памяти перед покупкой плеера пользователю стоит обратить внимание на наличие встроенного слота для «флешки».
  4. Тип встроенного носителя. Наиболее популярным и комфортным для использования техники подобного рода считается Flash – носитель, обуславливающий небольшой вес конструкции плеера, а также его «долговечность» даже при регулярной эксплуатации пользователем.
  5. Дополнительные опции. При анализе представленного ассортимента техники важно обращать внимание и на дополнительные функции устройств, предусмотренные производителем. Среди подобных «бонусов» наиболее часто можно встретить встроенный интернет-браузер, диктофон, сенсорный экран или функциональную сенсорную панель, FM – тюнер, цифровой эквалайзер, возможность последующей прошивки устройства и так далее.

Топовые модели

  • Тип поддерживаемых форматов: MP3, AAC, AAC (DRM), Audible, Apple Lossless, WAV, PCM, AIFF, AVI, MPEG-4, H.264, MOV, MP4
  • Максимальное время автономной работы: 40 часов
  • Встроенные интерфейсы: модуль Wi Fi и Bluetooth
  • Дополнительные опции: интернет-браузер; часы; встроенный динамик; процессор A8; поддержка Nike+; акселерометр; фотокамера; сенсорный экран; возможность просмотра графических файлов и видео; диктофон
  • высокая скорость реакции устройства на «команды» пользователя
  • качественная камера
  • компактные размеры

  • непродолжительное фактическое время автономной работы
  • низкое качество встроенного динамика
  • неустойчивость корпуса к внешним воздействиям

Многофункциональный mp3 плеер с блютузом премиальной линейки техники от Apple, сочетающий в себе, помимо свойств аудио проигрывателя, опции планшета и персонального компьютера.


  • Тип плеера: Hi-Fi
  • Тип поддерживаемого носителя: Flash
  • Объём встроенного хранилища: 16 Гб
  • Тип подключения к ПК: USB0
  • Поддерживаемые форматы: MP3, WMA, AAC, FLAC, APE, Apple Lossless, WAV, PCM, AIFF, DSD, DFF, DSF
  • Время автономной работы: 45 часов
  • Дополнительные опции: возможность работы в качестве USB ЦАП, встроенный слот для microSD, модуль Bluetooth, A2DP, NFC, встроенный FM – тюнер, цифровой эквалайзер
  • качественный экран
  • простое управление функциональными возможностями
  • отставание звука от выводимой на экран картинки при просмотре видео через USB – подключение
  • периодическое «подвисание» сенсора
  • отсутствие возможности сортировки загруженных песен

Качественный мp3 плеер от проверенного японского производителя станет оптимальным выбором для продвинутых пользователей, ценящих, прежде всего, многофункциональность и стильный внешний вид приобретаемого ими аудио проигрывателя.

  • Вид проигрывателя: Hi Fi
  • Тип встроенного носителя: Flash
  • Допустимый объём карты памяти: 256 Гб
  • Тип поддерживаемых форматов: MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, FLAC, APE, Apple Lossless, WAV, AIFF
  • Максимальное время автономной работы: 12 часов
  • Встроенные интерфейсы: модуль Bluetooth; линейный выход
  • Дополнительные опции: встроенный ЖК дисплей; сенсорная панель: цифровой эквалайзер
  • приемлемая стоимость
  • совместимость с абсолютным большинством современных базовых форматов
  • качественное звучание
  • излишняя чувствительность сенсорной панели
  • непродуманное функциональное меню
  • низкая скорость «реакции» устройства на «команды»

Идеальное сочетание базовых свойств устройства для воспроизведения музыки, качества сборки самой конструкции, а также приемлемой стоимости для абсолютного большинства покупателей техники рассматриваемого сегмента.

  • Вид проигрывателя: Hi Fi
  • Тип встроенного носителя: Flash
  • Объём встроенной памяти: 32 Гб
  • Тип поддерживаемых форматов: MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, FLAC, APE, Apple Lossless, WAV, PCM, AIFF, DSD, DFF, DSF, DXD, SACD ISO, GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF
  • Максимальное время автономной работы: 10 часов
  • Встроенные интерфейсы: модуль Wi Fi и Bluetooth; линейный выход; коаксиальный выход
  • Дополнительные опции: возможность воспроизведения видео, просмотра графических и текстовых файлов; опция работы в качестве USB ЦАП; интернет-браузер; часы; воспроизведение с переменной скоростью; возможность прошивки; цифровой эквалайзер; ОС Android
  • качественное воспроизведение частотного диапазона
  • «расширенная» комплектация
  • опция «быстрой зарядки»
  • несовместимость с Linux
  • Качественный гаджет, предлагаемый потребителю по приемлемой стоимости, несмотря на большое количество «разносторонних» функциональных возможностей, предусмотренных производителем.

    Исходя из вышеприведенной информации, можно сделать вывод, что найти качественный плеер с блютуз в ценовом диапазоне до 2000 рублей нереально. Однако, зная, какие критерии выбора гаджета рассматриваемого сегмента являются определяющими, покупатель сможет сделать выгодное финансовое вложение в покупку устройства, способного обеспечить его отличным воспроизведением аудио контента посредствам Bluetooth модуля.

    If you"re looking for an affordable yet quality Bluetooth MP3 player, then you"re are in the right place.

    Music makes us feel alive. Proper track helps us to reduce anxiety, to feel energized. It also helps to keep right part of our brain active. So listening to music can never be a boring or unhealthy task.

    Many of us use smartphone to listen to music. But to use smartphone while running, exercising or working out is cumbersome and it will leave you in a condition to charge your phone more than twice a day. Mp3 players are far better in this case. But there is worry to tangle up with the cord.

    Here it comes the new generation"s choice - mp3 player with bluetooth.

    Due to smaller size, portability, flexibility and durability, mp3 player with bluetooth is very popular these days and makes it essentially significant for buying to every music lover. With bluetooth feel free from worry about tangled cables.

    But before jumping to the list check the features that make a mp3 player of good sound quality, indefatigable and what should you know before buying one. So that after checking the list you may choose the perfect one of your need by yourself.

    What should you know before buying

    1. Size - The size of the bluetooth mp3 player should be small not crunky. So that it fits in your pocket easily and does not provide discomfort while walking, running, exercising and so on.
      It should weigh light too.
    2. Sound Quality - A pleasant track can be stressful, disturbing when you listen it with bad sound quality audio player.To enjoy superior quality music buy the one with high resolution or high definition audio quality.
    3. Battery life - Battery life is important. Bluetooth mp3 players with good battery life enables you to enjoy music for quite long time and you don"t have to worry about to charge it every other day. Also you can enjoy music while traveling and do not have to worry about thinking of charging.
    4. Memory - To keep huge collection of songs a good memory space is needed. Some of the bluetooth mp3 players have enough in built memory. Some of them are expandable up to huge memory.
    5. Bluetooth - As it works with connection so one should check bluetooth quality so that fast transfer of audio, video and other files to the player is possible. One should also check the bluetooth version to get to know device compatibility to output devices.
    6. Waterproof or not - Some of the bluetooth mp3 players are waterproof. If you are a swimmer, surfer or whatever and need something water resistant or waterproof then check this too.
    7. Price - So many products with same quality and features are available in the market . While checking the quality, check the price too and be sure you are not spending extra money for same quality product.
    8. Brand - Many off brand products are available in market with cheap price. Do not get befooled by buying an off brand chinese product just for sake of cheap price.

    Best Bluetooth MP3 Players

    Now once you have decided to buy a mp3 player, you may not settle down, thinking about which one to buy or which one is the best option available to you.

    To make it as easy as possible, here we are presenting the list of best bluetooth mp3 player available in 2018.

    Note- The list is not made in any such order like from best to worst or from worst to best. Each of the products are of best of quality at a particular price range.

    1. SONY NW - A 45/B 16GB Walkman

    The legacy of Sony for it"s legendary product quality is brilliantly maintained in this new launched product from A 40 series.

    Sony Nw - A 45 /B walkman is simple and compact with stylish exterior. With high resolution audio and digital sound enhancer system get a feeling of studio quality sound.

    Hi-Res audio amplifier of it, helps to cut distortion & noise.


    • 16 GB in built memory
    • Expandable up to 128 GB
    • 45 hours playback time
    • 3.1 inch intuitive touch screen
    • Easy connectivity with bluetooth
    • S master Hx digital amplifier to cut distortion & noise
    • DSEE Hx digital sound enhancement engine & ambient sound mode
    • DSD playback to experience natural sound and intense detail of DSD audio formats
    • Easy playlist and bookmark management, could be saved either on the internal memory or the SD card.
    • Supports displaying lyrics , but you need to import the proper LRC file along with the audio track.


    Hi resolution studio quality music.

    Best in class battery life.

    Excellent product service and reliability.


    A little expensive.

    Screen is quite larger than other players.

    Regardless to say why we keep this bluetooth mp3 player from Sony in first position of this list. Though it costs a little more than average bluetooth mp3 players.

    But if you are voracious music lover and want to get the feeling like the artist is performing in front of you, this is for you. Ambient sound mode of it keeps you aware of surroundings. It comes in different colors.

    2. Shanling M0

    This tiny mp3 player with bluetooth is truly one of it"s kind at this price range. With it"s elegant yet durable build, and high quality audio, it"s a perfect choice you don"t have much problem to use a small touch screen.

    • Size- 40*135*45mm, really tiny size
    • Display- 1.5" touch display, 240x240 px
    • Playback time- 15 Hrs, 640 mAh Li-Ion battery
    • Internal memory- None
    • micro SD- Supports up to 512 GB micro SD card
    • Audio playback- High resolution audio playback 384 kHz
    • Codec support- DSD, FLAC, DSF, MP3, WMA, DXD, WAV, AIFF, M4A
    • Bluetooth- Version 4.1, range up to 10 meters


    Hi-Fi audio playback with quality DSP

    Good battery life, 2 way blueooth

    Good build quality and reliable firmware


    No internal memory

    Tiny display size, touch is not very snappy

    Other essential features of any MP3 players, like playlist management, add to favorite, shuffle, lyrics, file info are also supported, however not very convenient due to the tiny display.

    It packs some serious stuff inside the tiny package, delivers quite outstanding lossless audio quality with the ESS ES9218P DSP.

    More than that, this AptX compaitable bluetooth device could connect bidirectionally, i.e. either deliver audio to headphones or receive audio from another device, as example a smartphone.

    You could also connect the device to your computer to use it as a high quality DSP sound card, via a USB type A to type C cable.

    So, if you"re looking for a tiny portable player, definitely this should be on your list.

    3. Grtdhx 16 GB MP3 Player

    The second wonder of this list is from Grtdhx. With lightweight, excellent hifi HD sound quality, clear screen and sturdy exterior it is one of the best mp3 player with bluetooth available in the market within affordable price.

    FM radio, voice recording, ebook reading options are available. It supports different languages such as english, japanese,spanish and so on.

    Anti - interference ability of it helps user to enjoy music without getting disturbed noise from outside.


    • Inbuilt 16gb. expendable up to 128gb
    • HD sound quality
    • 500 mAh battery. 50 hours playback time
    • 1.8 inch colour screen
    • Supports bluetooth version over 2.0 and below 4.0
    • Light weight
    • Independent boot key to switch on / off
    • Multi functional music player


    2.5 inch small, handy, pocket size

    Very good build quality

    High quality lossless audio

    Good product service


    A little Expensive

    Can"t be paired with car bluetooth

    Bluetooth version of it enables high speed and stable transmission of videos, songs and other files to the player.

    With audio line input it can also be connected to computer. Armband is provided with the package.

    Kindly note, this cannot be paired with car bluetooth or smartphone.

    4. MYMAHDI bluetooth music player

    Well, the name is hard to pronounce, but the product is quite good at this price range.

    This bluetooth mp3 player is slim, sleek and stylish with shiny curved design. Tough metal shell and scratch proof glass makes it quite durable.

    It has excellent sound quality with low distortion rate. FM radio,voice recording and E-book reader functions are also available.


    • Inbuilt 16 GB. expandable up to 128 GB.
    • 2.4 inch 240x320 LCD screen
    • Small size and light weight, compact design
    • sophisticated look with good enough build quality
    • USB 2.0 connectivity, data transfer through OTG
    • FM radio, E-book function and sound recorder
    • 12 hours outrageous battery life


    Small, lightweight , durable

    Good battery life

    Larger display size


    Relatively unknown brand

    A bit larger in size

    Super shiny exterior finish

    So, MYMAHDI this product is cheap yet quite usable, specially the large display with scratch proof front glass.

    However if you need a cheap music player for workout or other outdoor activity, it could be a perfect choice when combined with a wireless earphone.

    5. AGPTEK A01ST 16 GB player

    This product from AGPTEK has already won hearts of many music lovers.

    AGPTEK A01ST bluetooth mp3 player is slim, sleek and durable with fancy design. Bluetooth 4.0 enables strong anti- interference performance and high speed data transfer.


    • Slim, sleek, lightweight
    • 1.8 inch TFT screen
    • High sensitive touch buttons
    • 45 hours of music playback
    • Inbuilt 16 GB, expendable up to 128 GB
    • Multi functional and Hi-Fi lossless music
    • One key voice recording, one key lock to screen


    Slim durable design

    45 hours long battery life

    HD quality audio


    From a relatively unknown brand

    High sensitive silent touch and smooth hand feel of it makes it very user friendly.

    Other functions like FM radio, audio recorder, e-book reading, Pedometer are also available.

    6. Sandisk Clip sport plus wearable MP3 player

    This is one of the finest mp3 players made by Sandisk and also one of the best bluetooth mp3 players available in the market.

    Sandisk clip sport plus MP3 player is small in size(smallest of this list too).

    It easily clips to your clothes, so that you can go for bike riding, running or exercising and able to enjoy music anytime.

    Built in FM radio is available. It is the only water resistant mp3 player with bluetooth support in this list.


    • small pocket size
    • light weight and durable
    • clip to attach to cloth
    • 16 GB inbuilt memory,expandable up to 32 gb
    • 1.44 inch TFT Screen
    • built in FM
    • water resistant
    • 20 hours battery life


    Compact form factor

    Reasonable price tag

    Clip provided to fit with cloth


    Average battery life

    Small display size

    Less features compared to others

    So, if you"re looking for a compact and waterproof wireless mp3 player for outdoor activities, there could be no better choice than this product from SanDisk.

    7. Dansrue Bluetooth 4.0 music player

    Once again Dansrue is in this list. And it is Dansrue 8gb mp3 player with bluetooth 4.0.

    This one has in built FM radio, voice recorder and ebook reading function. Bluetooth 4.0 helps in fast and stable transfer of data to music player.


    • Mini size, lightweight and durable
    • Sophisticated look
    • 1.8inch TFT screen
    • 8 GB inbuilt memory. expandable up to 64 GB
    • 25 hours battery life
    • Good quality sound output
    • E-book reader with text file input
    • Bluetooth 4.0


    low cost and light weight

    simple design with touch buttons

    available in multiple colors

    durable plastic build


    Medium battery life

    Bluetooth 4.0 only

    May not be compatible with older bluetooth headphones

    So, it"s a fairly cheap product. You can go for it if you just something compact to listen music, instead of the smartphone.

    8. Newiy start 8GB MP3 player

    The seventh product of this list from Newiy.

    With stylish exterior, compact design, Hi-Fi sound quality, sensitive touch buttons and high battery life.

    Newiy start 8 GB music player with touch button, is one of the good bluetooth mp3 players available in the market within affordable price range.


    • Simple and stylish design
    • 1.8 inch screen
    • 500 mAh battery. up to 3 hours of music play.
    • 8 GB in built. Supported up to 32gb
    • Bluetooth 4.0
    • high sensitive touch
    • Hi-Fi sound quality
    • Dual audio out port



    Takes long time to charge

    Newiy start bluetooth mp3 player is user friendly with sensitive touch buttons.

    It has inbuilt FM radio, voice recorder. Ebook reading function is also available.

    It has dual audio port also. You can insert two pairs of headphones at the same time. Thus sharing with your friend or loved one becomes easy with Newiy start bluetooth mp3 player.

    9. Valoin 16 GB MP3 player

    This product is from Valoin, one of those thousands retailer selling electronics online, specialized in music related products, digital voice recorder and accessories since 2008.

    Valoin 16 GB mp3 player with bluetooth is a compact device with robust design. It’s 2.4 inch screen provides you comfortable viewing experience.

    With Bluetooth 4.0 high speed and stable transmission is possible within a range of 10 m.


    • Inbuilt memory of 16 GB, expandable up to 64gb
    • 2.4 inch eye soothing screen
    • stylish exterior
    • sensitive touch buttons
    • bluetooth 4.0
    • USB 2.0 connectivity
    • playtime up to 35 hours
    • Multi functional music player with E-book reader


    Premium quality product at medium price range

    2.4 inch eye soothing display

    Robust sophisticated look


    Medium sound quality

    Off brand product

    USB 2.0 ensures quick transfer of music, videos and pictures into the player. With 7 sensitive touch buttons it is easy to use.

    Built in FM radio, voice recorder is also included. Ebook function allow you to read. txt files.

    It can be connected to car audio through 3.5 mm audio cable (included in the package)

    10. AGPTEK G15 music player, 16 GB

    Once again Agptek is in the list and it is Agptek G15 portable clip bluetooth mp3 player.

    It is small in size and weighs light. With Clip to fit to shirt or pocket and armband it is very sports friendly.

    You can enjoy music while walking, jogging or exercising. The product is black in color.

    This bluetooth mp3 player supports APE, WAV,FLAV etc like lossless audio formats.

    Bluetooth 4.0 enables to transfer music and other files to the player and connect seamlessly with all bluetooth speaker and headphone up to 10m.


    • 1.5 inch TFT screen
    • Light weight and elegant design
    • bluetooth 4.0
    • multifunctional mp3 player
    • Internal memory 16 GB, supported up to 128 GB
    • 24 hrs playback time
    • clip and armband
    • high quality music
    • sweat proof silicone cover


    Mini size, light weight

    Sports friendly, waterproof casing

    Good sound quality


    Average build quality

    Not fully waterproof

    There is also inbuilt voice recorder, radio and book reader. It can be connected to car audio system with 0000 pairing code.

    P.S- Earphone is not present in the package.

    11. HONGYU MP3 player with touch buttons, 16 GB

    Another chinese off brand product.

    With high crushing resistance, high strength and excellent hifi sound quality, hongyo touch button 16gb mp3 player newest edition) adds elegant look.

    Hi-Fi sound quality and metal shell provides you excellent user experience.

    The inbuilt speaker allows you to enjoy music without earbuds. Digital noise reduction chip helps to reduce noise and gives clarity in sound.


    • 1.8inch TFT screen
    • Bluetooth 4.0
    • inbuilt 16 GB memory. supported up to 128 GB
    • 40 hours of audio playback
    • Built in speaker
    • High crushing strength
    • Sensitive touch buttons


    Low cost and durable

    HiFi music quality

    Built in speaker


    A bit large in size

    However this product looks surprisingly similar to another product of this list, Dansrue .

    Most of the audio formats are supported. There is inbuilt FM radio. Bluetooth mode is compatible with cars of 0000 Bluetooth pair code only.

    Owning all these facilities this product comes within affordable price. It can be a good surprise gift for your loved one.

    Though we don"t recommend any super cheap off product, but they"re lasts quite long for the price.


    The list of best bluetooth mp3 player is over. Hopefully, you have chosen the right one you want to buy according to your need and budget.

    We have made this list checking more than 50 of products available in the market. We always took into consideration that we are presenting the best products before you within justified price range.

    Buy the one you like most and enjoy music while walking, running, exercising or travelling.

    It is our responsibility to present the best quality products before you. We will be happy and our effort would be fruitful, if you could be more than enough satisfied after buying any of the bluetooth mp3 players.

    If you do not want to spend much money you can choose the bluetooth mp3 players with lower price from this list. You do not have to regret thinking about the product quality. Your love one or friend will be more than delighted, getting one as gift.

    MP3-плеер представляет собой небольшое и легкое устройство, которое предназначено для воспроизведения аудиофайлов. Копирование треков производится через USB-интерфейс при подключении гаджета к компьютеру или ноутбуку. Многие современные модели оснащены технологией Bluetooth, благодаря которой можно осуществлять беспроводной обмен данными.

    MP3-плеер с Bluetooth - многофункциональное устройство. Как правило, оно оснащается FM-радиоприемником, который активируется при подсоединении наушников, диктофоном, позволяющим записывать речь и другие звуки, календарем, часами, будильником. Некоторые современные модели таких плееров могут иметь встроенную камеру и предоставляют пользователю возможность работать в разных приложениях.

    MP3-плееры с Bluetooth оснащаются дисплеем, на который выводится информация о проигрываемом треке и настройках. Управление гаджетом может осуществляться через кнопочную панель, которая находится на корпусе, или за счет прикосновений, на которые чутко реагирует сенсорный экран некоторых видов плееров. В качестве источника питания используется литий-ионный или литий-полимерный аккумулятор, заряд которого осуществляется через USB-интерфейс.

    Где купить mp3-плеер с Bluetooth?

    MP3-плеер с Bluetooth можно купить в интернет-магазине «Эльдорадо», где представлен широкий ассортимент гаджетов по доступным ценам. Заказ с доставкой по Москве и другим городам России оформляется онлайн через личный кабинет пользователя сайта.